ron rawson
JoinedPosts by ron rawson
I watched Mr. Jackson last night with my super cult minded parents
by Magwitch ini have seen some ask on this site how the active jw's are handling what is happening in australia.
here is my little experience from last night........ my parents were baptized in the late 30's as children and have never faltered in their determination to survive the great tribulation and live forever in paradise (even though they actively associate with all their df'ed kids).
my father is still actively serving as an elder and my mother has always been by his side.
ron rawson
Magwitch, you did the right parents both died sure that the great tribulation was sooooo close...but towards the end....during the last days of each of their lives they revealed the little cracks in the wall. My mom said that the birthday/holiday teachings were a load of crap....holey moley, dad blew a raspberry when I asked him how he felt about 1914, a year of special significance to him since he was born in then. So, jubilant as they may have been watching this.....when they're down to the end of the line; don't be surprised if they show the little cracks in the wall. My mom was 88 when she dad 4years later was 98. No need to exploit their situations....give it time and see if maybe they surprise you as my folks did me. Wishing you the best....just keep loving them. Aloha, Ron -
Can You Really Become Inactive Instead of DA'ing and Keep Your Family
by truth-or-consequences inoz branch coordinator terrence o'brien opined a number of times at about 1:00:00 until about 1:15:00 of his testimony, that a dub does not need to da, they can become "inactive.".
i sent our beloved angus stewart my personal experience, as well as observations about official borg teachings.
(he replied in short order.).
ron rawson
If you are gone long enough ( and I mean years...not weeks or months) as a fader, you cannot be disfellowshipped because you have not 'fellowshipped' for years....if threatened with such, I would immediately call a lawyer and have him send a note on his letterhead that stated if my name was mentioned in any negative way, by any elder, MS, pioneer, active publisher, CO, etc, etc, either privately or from the platform or any public or quasi-public forum, I would bring charges of slander, willfull misrepresentation of character, and any and all else that could be included therein A.S.A.P. Then I'd advise them to see if the WT Legal Dept. really wanted another lawsuit on their hands. If given the correct spin similar threats could be made for DA, marking, etc. -
Katie Kitten's Commentary on the Royal Commission
by OrphanCrow inkatie kitten has produced three youtube videos in which she explains and gives commentary on the royal commission.
she has some great comments on the proceedings.. days 1 to 4:.
ron rawson
Excellent synopsis. Everyone needs to give it a listen...highly recommended. -
An Ode to the Child Abuse Protectorate
by berrygerry inhey, you kids, sit here on my lap,your little ass, i'm surely gonna tap.god loves you, and i do about i give you some of god's goo?is this a crime?
i think not!it's not in the bible - believe it or not!faithful and discreet - well, ain't that sweet?god wants you to please my meat.and you keep quiet, for god is love.he's watching you, from high up above.satan hates us, the faithful don't be sayin' that we misbehave.god's foes are sayin' that we are lying.yeah, those dudes will soon be dying.some say governing body, others, governing bawdy.we could care less, if we're nice or naughty.we'll never get caught; never be exposed.about our naughty bits, between head and will all roll off us, like water off a duck.holy crap, oz royal commission!
(with credit to leo greenlees and ewart chitty).
ron rawson
Reading this really creeped me out....mostly because it is all too likely true.
Maybe we will eventually know.
Depressing chat to my still-in brother about the RC
by Lemonp inhere is a quick breakdown of our conversation (by text message).
me: "have you read about the royal commission?
the org has been covering up child abuse.
ron rawson
hahaha...if Jehovah cared a rip, he would not have to "fix" anything. He would have prevented it from ever happening to start with. How does one fix a broken life anyway?
Oh yeah, "Leave it in Jehovah's hands"....hahaha, those hands either broke it or allowed it to be broken in the first place....why should he give a flying mouses pootootie if anything ever gets 'fixed'.....?
Quality Thinking - Warning: Long Post Ahead
by Viviane inrecently, several threads have had some debate about logic, evidence, critical thinking and skepticism.
i wanted to write a post discussing those things, hopefully to clarify what those things are, why they are important and how to use those tools.
first, logic, at its core, is simply a method for how to reason validly, how to draw conclusions based on a premise.
ron rawson
Aha!! As a dumbass myself for having been raised JDub, it often seemed to me that the JDubs use an unscientific method for drawing conclusions.....rather than gathering all evidence exhaustively and studying it to lead them to a conclusion, instead, their method seems to be draw a conclusion, then find means to support it. No common sense there, let alone any sort of thinking ---critical or otherwise. -
Did you hear that!? His Honour is insisting that Jackson attend the Royal Commission
by umbertoecho ini actually started clapping at that point, as his honour explained to the wt type creep sycophantic slithery lawyer that........" i understand that we all have issues to face in life and .....that is a part of life...........however it has become obvious that this man in such a position to assist with this investigation.....".
it boils down to the fact that stewart outright accused the latest witness of misleading the royal commission and this lead to some document searches which led his honour to conclude that they had been protecting mr jackson.
this was a warm and fluffy moment folks.................brilliant stuff!!!!!
ron rawson
If you wish to send a note to Stewart I believe the correct email address is:
It was previously noted in this thread but, the Australia ".au" was left missing. I think it fitting we should bombard him and the whole commission with our deepest appreciation and long term commitment to follow the hearing made public to the end.
Do not Disassociate, Anull your baptism
by jwfacts ini am now a jedi, so trust me on this.. .
why dis-associate, you are just playing by the wts rules?
how can you dis-associate anyway, you never thought you were baptised as a watchtower society member, you thought your dedication was to god, so why formally disassociate from something you did not formally join?
ron rawson
No baptism w/in the WT organization is worth more than a bucket of warm spit anyways....the JDubs do not follow Jesus statement and instructions on what would make a baptism mean something: (Mt 28:19).."baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit(ghost)."--- (Strangely many other religions get this part right....go figure).--- Annulling it would simply be making an issue over a non-issue, it never meant anything except in the minds of misled WT believers in the 1st place. By the time you realize you want out, you should be aware that all baptisms w/in the organization are just a wet joke/dream. -
Facing up to the reality of the world
by purrpurr insince becoming atheist i have been paying more attention to world events and issues.
this is giving me some worry's when i see what's going on.
as a jw i could just dismiss stuff saying "armageddon is coming, jehovah will look after us" etc etc now of course i can't do that.
ron rawson
I have not become an atheist yet, but am certainly well on my way to being agnostic. Either way, having no hope for the future is more realistic and much less disconcerting for me, than having hope in a lie...which, once you realize it, is having no hope at all. What ever will be, will be. Local saying where I live: "If can, can. If no can, no can".
A positive outlook on life over rides dreadful expectations. Don't worry, be responsible, but be happy!
Is it Wrong to Doubt or Even Disagree With the GB? The Watchtower Reasoning....
by freemindfade inthis would be a good one for jw apologist who scream and panic with anyone who feels the moral direction of the wt publishing company has gone astray.
a comment at the bible highlights last night blew my mind, here is the article that was referenced.
btw this account always bothered me, remember when it was in a drama?
ron rawson
. Perhaps the old man had at one time been a faithful prophet of Jehovah. I hate it when they say 'perhaps'....I'm always leary of words like that....also when you see phrases such as ...."What did (......) mean by this?..." or "how should we understand this statement?". These are red flags that 'going beyond what is written' will follow. Strange that God-inspired Bible writers (and in fact Jesus himself) need the BG to explain their statements to us today. Tells me that if you believe what the WT says, you also believe that God didn't really inspire those guys who wrote it in the first place.